Here is the advice from Lincoln City Council Anti-Social behaviour department about the regulations surrounding dog fouling.

Are you a dog owner ?

Then don’t fall foul of the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act

Dog fouling

Everyone hates dog dirt. It smells bad, ruins your clothes and messes up your shoes, bicycle or wheelchair.  Dog dirt carries the eggs of toxocara worms which can cause flu-like symptoms or even blindness.  Children are particularly at risk.

The City of Lincoln Council has a zero tolerance policy on irresponsible dog owners who allow their dogs to foul and then do nothing about it.  It proactively enforces the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act.

  • What does that mean?

Under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act it is an offence to allow your dog to foul, and then not immediately clean up after it, on any open land in the city to which the public have access, including the commons.  There are few exceptions to this rule.

If owners allow their dogs to foul on open land in Lincoln and fail to clean up after them, they are committing an offence.  A fixed penalty notice can be issued, or if convicted in a court they can be fined up to £1,000.

What If It’s Not My Dog?

If the dog is in your charge, you are responsible for cleaning up after it.

  • What if I don’t know my dog has fouled?

That’s no excuse!  It’s your dog, you have to take responsibility for it.  If you allow your dog to stray and it fouls, you may be issued with a fixed penalty notice or be prosecuted.

  • What if I haven’t got a poop scoop?

Again – no excuse.  If you take your dog out, make sure you bring along the means to clean up after it.  Poop scoops are readily available from pet shops.  Nappy bags or ordinary plastic bags are just as good.

  • All right – I’ve cleaned up the dog dirt.  Where do I put it?

To try to make life as easy as it can for dog owners, the City Council has put up a large number of special bins around the city where you can put dog waste.  These bins are clearly marked and are emptied and disinfected regularly.  If there is no bin available, please take your waste home and dispose of it in your dustbin, making sure it is properly wrapped.

There are signs up around the city to remind people but remember, you must still clean up after your dog, even if you can’t see a sign.

By cleaning up after your dog you are acting as a responsible owner. You are also protecting our children’s health and doing the environment a favour.

  • What if I want to find out more?

If you want to know more about this Act, such as which pieces of open land are not covered by the Act, or if you want to report an incident of dog fouling, please contact the City Council on Lincoln 873249 or



Here is a recording sheet for those who are trying to tackle a persistent problem.