WERA Committee Minutes
Regular Committee Meetings
The WERA committee meets every 6-8 weeks and the minutes are usually published after being approved at the following committee meeting, shortly after the meeting taking place. Below are the latest set of minutes. Previous minutes are available from dropdown menu.
Annual General Meeting
The West End Residents’ Association holds an Annual General Meeting, usually around March each year. This meeting is open to anyone who lives in the WERA area. The 2023 AGM was held on 3rd May 2023, and the minutes are available below.
Special Meetings
We hold ad-hoc special meetings throughout the year, in relation to specific topics. These are advertised on the website, as well as on notices throughout the West End and on our notice board, which is located on the side of the Co-op on Carholme Road. Topics covered over the past few years have been:
- Anti-Social Behaviour
- Resident’s Car Parking Permits
- Construction works at 49-51 West Parade
- Article 4