Useful numbers
City of Lincoln Council
- PPASB (Public Protection and Anti-Social Behaviour team, including noise) email: 01522 873378
- Street Cleaning/Refuse Collection 01522 873423
- General Customer Service 01522 881188
Lincolnshire County Council
- Street Lighting/Highways 01522 782070
- Recycling Centre 01522 782070
- Traffic wardens 01522 511142
- Flooding 01522 782082
- Customer Service Centre 01522 552222
Lincolnshire Police
- Emergency number 999
- Non-emergency number 101
- Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or
- email: to report information or problems, or to ask queries to our local City Centre Police Team (this team includes Carholme ward). [Updated information, correct as of October 2023]
- to sign up for local police alerts:
- StreetSafe ( StreetSafe is a service that allows you to report safety concerns in public places without giving us your name (anonymously). This includes issues like poorly lit streets, abandoned buildings, or vandalism, as well as instances where you feel unsafe due to someone following or verbally abusing you. Please note: StreetSafe is not for reporting crimes or emergencies. If you witness a crime or emergency, please call the police on 101 or report a crime online. If you’re unsure whether something is a crime or not, read our advice. Examples of situations that should be reported to StreetSafe include a poorly lit alleyway that makes you feel unsafe or a park with broken equipment that poses a safety hazard.