Below is the latest information from County Highways about what LCC are planning to do about bus services in the West End and Long Leys Road areas following the notice given by PC Coaches to terminate their contract at the end of May.
‘It is the intention that the section of route including West Parade would be maintained in any future revised service and is part of the timetable which has gone out to tender. In addition to the outcome of the tender process, Plan B will include assessing whether any other route or existing service can be utilised including the recently launched North of Lincoln CallConnect bus to provide some timetabled journeys for St Georges/West End. This may also be a more suitable vehicle to reflect the passenger numbers and roads in the West End. However we will now have to wait for the outcome of the tendering process to see what bids we receive and at what cost and then we can decide on how to proceed.’
We are hoping to have a joint WERA/LLRA meeting with the council to discuss, so if anyone has any concerns/comments then could you please let me know
The City of Lincoln Council is considering applying to the government to removed deemed consent for lettings boards in certain areas of Lincoln. The Council is now seeking the views of the public on this – please find attached an information sheet which gives further details and how to comment.
Lincoln city council’s planning committee are due to consider an application for a change of use from 6 bed House in Multiple Occupation (Class C4) to 7 bed House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis) at 256, West Parade. The relevant documents can be found in the web links section at the bottom of the page.
There is an application going before the council on Wednesday 8 February, regarding 49/51 West Parade. A number of residents have objected to the scale of the development but despite this, the council are recommending approval. The meting is at City Hall, committee rooms 1 and 2, starting at 5:30pm
We have added a new page with local amenities listed and web links where possible. If you want us to add a link to your local page then please let us know
A residents meeting will be held on Wednesday 6 September to discuss noise and anti-social behaviour in the West End. The meeting will be held in the Church Hall on West Parade starting at 7:30pm and will be attended by representatives from the University; Police and Lincoln City Council.
Open to all West End residents
We are hoping to run the West End Open Gardens day on Sunday 11 June 2017. The event was first run in 2015 and involves residents opening their gardens to other residents of the West End.
Other residents also kindly baked some delicious cakes for the event and we are hoping that we can do the same this year.
If you are willing to open up your garden or help with some baking then please contact us via the feedback page on the website or via email at
Please help us make this a enjoyable and successful event
The following is a statement from the Principal Highways Officer at Lincs County Council regarding the recent consultation concerning trees in Cambridge Avenue and Queens Crescent
Following the public consultation on Monday 19th September, residents largely accepted the proposed removals and maintenance pruning to the smaller trees, a significant number of residents raised concerns about the amount of pollarding to the mature Lime trees and that all the work would be undertaken at once. With these concerns in mind the council is supplying revised proposals for the phasing of the works and suggestions with regard to the amount of reduction required. It is anticipated that all the trees along these roads will be pruned to this specification.
Please see attachment towards the bottom of the page………..
On 25 January 2016, Lincoln City Council’s Executive committee agreed to implement Article 4 in the whole of Lincoln and most importantly in the West End. This was following many years of pressure by the residents of the West End and the hard work of many people. Article 4 was implemented on 1 March and will need the support of residents in notifying the council of any potential breaches, where houses are being turned into HMO’s. More details about how to do this will be available soon and will be on the council website, but in the meantime don’t hesitate to contact if you are unsure about anything. Thanks to all that helped with this important initiative for the West End.
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